Can WiFi IP Address be traced

Yes, in general a Wi-Fi IP Address can be traced to an approximate location. The accuracy of the approximate location will vary.

Here is how it works as an average internet user.

We need an IP Address to allow us access to the internet. The internet service provider of the W-Fi router assigns the IP address to the Wi-Fi Router. When we connect to the internet through Wi-Fi, the public IP address that will be visible on the internet will be that of the Wi-Fi router.

In other words, the IP address will not be the same as the IP address that would be visible online if you used mobile data.

When you connect to Wi-Fi, the W-Fi router will assign a local IP address that will only be used for communication between your device and the Wi-Fi router. Although this IP address is not visible on the internet, the IP address of the Wi-Fi router will be visible. Because you must be in close proximity to the Wi-Fi router to connect to it, your approximate location will be in the vicinity of the Wi-Fi router.

What can be obtained from the IP Address of the Wi-Fi

The information that can be obtained from the IP Address of the Wi-Fi Router is:

  1. Internet Service Provider. (ISP)
  2. Country
  3. Region
  4. City

You can test this yourself on websites like

The internet service provider will have more detailed information, but this information is not freely available to the public.

Internet service providers may log the assignment of public IP addresses to their customers. In some cases, they may keep records of which customer was assigned a particular IP address at a given time. This information can potentially be used to trace internet activity back to a specific household or user.

Law Enforcement and Legal Processes: In some cases, law enforcement agencies or other authorities may have the ability to obtain information from the ISPs about the user or device associated with a particular IP address. This typically requires legal authorization, such as a court order.

Can I hide the Wi-Fi IP Address?

Although the above is true for a general internet connection, you can hide this information by making use of a VPN service. By using a VPN, you can even use this to appear to be in a different country.

We recommend that you read our Article How it works when you use VPN through Wi-Fi next.

In Summary

While it is possible to trace a Wi-Fi IP address back to the network and potentially to the user, it is not always straightforward, and the level of detail that can be obtained varies depending on factors such as the type of IP address, logging practices of the ISP, and the use of privacy tools like VPNs.