What is Trojan Horse Malware and is it a Virus by definition?

Trojan Horse Malware Definition

Trojan Horse Malware, or Trojan, is a malicious software program that is disguised to look like a legitimate file, or software. It is deliberately disguised in such a way that the user of the computer, phone or tablet will be enticed to open it. Once opened, it will run the execute file within it, to install the malicious software on the device. The file that is used to disguise it, is referred to as a Trojan Dropper.

Difference between Virus and Trojan Horse Malware

By definition Trojan Malware is not a Virus, because it does not self-replicate like a virus. It is also a standalone program, unlike a virus, which is attached to a host program.

Trojan Malware Meaning

The name Trojan, or Trojan horse refers to the way in which the user of the device is deceived into installing the malicious software.

The name comes from an ancient Greek Legend. It tells a story of a ten-year war during which time the Greeks were unable to successfully invade the city of Troy. In the end they succeeded by building a large wooden horse and hiding soldiers inside.  The people of Troy believed this to be a gift that was left for them as a piece offering. They brought it into their city, which led to their defeat.

Just like the wooden horse appeared to be harmless, the victims of Trojan Horse Malware are tricked into opening software that appears to be harmless and even useful. Once this is accessed, they fall victim to the cybercriminal who created it.

The word Malware is short for Malicious Software.

What is a Trojan Horse Malware Program?

There are various types of Trojan Malware programs. These are designed with different intentions in mind.

To name but a few:

Backdoor Trojan

This provides a hacker with access into the device to be able to access it remotely. The hacker can then be steal data, or additional malware can be installed onto the device.

Keylogger Trojan

A keylogger Trojan allows the hacker to record and receive a log of anything that is typed on the infected the device. This often include usernames and passwords.

Trojan Banker

This is Trojan malware that is designed to steal confidential information from online banking applications.

Mailfinder Trojan

It gives the hacker access to find and steal all the email addresses that are stored on the infected device.

Trojan IM (Instant Messaging)

This Trojan target instant messaging platforms that are accessed from the infected device, to steal usernames and passwords to these platforms.

SMS Trojan

It is a Trojan that is designed to send text messages to premium rate numbers that are pre-written into the code of this Trojan Malware. A service fee will then be charged to you for sending these text messages.

How to protect against a Trojan Malware attack

  • Be wary of any suspicious attachments.
  • Ensure that the security features on your device are active and keep it updated.
  • Install security software from a reputable brand like Norton, McAfee or Bitdefender. Security software will also detect and remove malware that is already on the device.