Relation between Sim cards and IP Addresses

Most of us know that when we connect to the internet, we have an IP address. We also know that when we use our mobile data, our SIM cards are the key to our ability to connect.

 A sim card has a mobile number assigned to it, which is our phone numbers. However, IP addresses are not the same as phone numbers.

Think of the IP address as being assigned to your internet connection, rather than it being assigned to your sim card, or mobile device.

The IP address associated with your mobile data connections can change multiple times, even in a single day, without affecting your ability to connect to the internet.

Although the focus of this article is how the IP address correlates with the sim card, which is mobile data (cellular data), we will briefly discuss Wi-Fi and Hotspot connections at the end of this article.

What is an IP Address?

IP address stands for Internet Protocol address.

There are millions of devices connected to the internet at any given time. “The internet” needs to keep track of your connection to send and receive data to your device.  An IP address is used to identify your connection to the internet.

Who assigns my IP address?

Your IP address is assigned to you by your internet service provider. In other words, the service provider who you buy your mobile data from.

IP addresses can be a dynamic IP addresses that changes periodically or it could be a static IP addresses that stays the same.

Dynamic IP Address

This type of IP address is typically assigned to most private sim cards and does not stay the same.

A dynamic IP address is an IP address that is assigned to you by your internet service provider temporarily when you connect to the internet. Unlike mobile numbers that remain the same for the duration of your contract, your IP address will change from time to time.

An IP address change can often be brought about by something as simple as turning your phone off or switching to flight mode. (Airplane mode). Once you reconnect, you are likely to be assigned a new IP address.

Static IP address

A static IP address is a fixed IP address that does not change.

This type of IP address is more commonly used by some businesses for things like servers and modems.

Most mobile data service providers do have a static IP address option available, but this will generally cost more than having a dynamic IP address.

Is my IP address visible to others?

When you are connected to the internet your IP address is exposed and this, as well as some basic information like your approximate location are visible online.

The location obtained from your IP address is often used by websites that implement GEO blocking, based on your location.

Another example of when it is also used is if you Google businesses near to you. It will know your approximate location even if your location setting is turned off on your device.

Can I hide my IP address?

As I mentioned before you need your IP address to be able to connect to the internet. However, there are ways to hide your IP address.

The most common way to hide your IP address and in effect you location, is by using a VPN. In short, by using a VPN service, you will have an encrypted connection to your VPN service provider. You will then connect to the internet through a VPN server. The visible IP address and location will not be yours, but that of the VPN service provider.

As an example, you could be in Europe but the VPN server, if you choose, can be of a server in America, giving you an American IP address and location.

You can read more about this in our article How does a VPN Connection work.

Does my IP address change when I connect through Wi-Fi?

Your IP address that is visible on the internet will change when you switch from the mobile data associated with your sim card to a Wi-Fi connection.

As explained before, your IP address is assigned by your mobile service provider.

The IP address of the Wi-Fi router will be assigned to it, by its data service provider. The router’s IP address will be the visible on the internet.

When you connect to the Wi-Fi router, your public IP address that will be visible online, will be the router’s IP address.

The router will assign what is known as a local IP address (private IP address), to your connection. The local IP address enables the router to identify your connection within its Wi-Fi network.

The local IP address assigned by the router is only visible within this network and is not visible online.

When you use a hotspot to connect, the IP address will work in a similar way, as explained above for a Wi-Fi network.