Wi-Fi use radio waves that fall within the microwave frequency range. This does not mean that our phones and Wi-Fi routers are cooking us.
Let me explain.
What is Radio Frequency and Microwave Frequency?
Radio Frequency and Microwave frequency both fall within the radio wave category. In other words, it is not the fact that they are waves that differentiate them, but their frequency and the wavelength associated with each frequency.
What we refer to as Radio waves are types of electromagnetic radiation. The frequency range of radio waves are typically considered to be between 3 kilohertz (kHz) and 300 gigahertz (GHz). This frequency range include both radio frequency and microwave frequencies.
What we generally refer to as radio frequency falls within the frequency range between 3 kilohertz (KHz) and 300 megahertz (MHz). This frequency range is the AM/FM type radio waves that most people are more familiar with for traditional radio communication and transmission.
The term microwave refers to the wavelength of the frequency range between 300 megahertz (MHz) and 300 gigahertz (GHz).
The higher the frequency the shorter the wavelength.
Are Wi-Fi signals and microwave ovens the same?
I am guessing that your concern is the fact that the term microwave sounds like the appliance that we use to heat our food and that we know can be dangerous.
They do use similar frequencies, but there are two very important differences.
1 . The power
2. The focusing of the power.
In a Microwave oven the power output is generally in the range of around 500 to 1200 Watts. This is contained inside the metal shell that reflect the waves to bounce around inside it. Even the door of a Microwave oven is designed to contain the microwaves.
The power output of Wi-Fi is around 0.1 watt of power (100 milliwatt). It is also typical omni directional, which means that it is not focused and transmits outwards in all direction. It simply does not have enough energy to cook anything.
Frequency and wavelength comparison table, including microwave oven frequency vs Wi-Fi.
Description | Frequency | Wavelength in Meters | Wavelength in mm | Wavelength in Inches |
Beginning of Microwave range | 300MHz | 0.99930819 | 999.308 | 39.34284 |
End of Microwave range | 300GHz | 0.00099931 | 0.999308 | 0.03934284 |
Wi-Fi 2.4GHz | 2.4GHz | 0.12491352 | 124.9135 | 4.91786 |
Wi-Fi 5.8Ghz | 5.8GHz | 0.05168835 | 51.6884 | 2.034975 |
Microwave Oven 2.45GHz | 2.45GHz | 0.12236427 | 122.3643 | 4.81749 |